Expert Testimony
"Everything can be explained to people, on the single condition that you want them to understand."
Frantz Fanon

Police/Traffic Officer Experience
Experts in this field typically come from law enforcement or engineering backgrounds. Closing Speed Consulting has the law enforcement experience at crash scenes.

Advanced Crash Reconstruction
Auto/Pedestrian Crash Reconstruction
Motorcycle Reconstruction
Human Factors (Driver Perception-Response Times)
Commercial Vehicle Crash Reconstruction
Event Data Recorder Technician & Analysis
Forensic Mapping
FAA Drone Licensing
Video Analysis
Laser Scanning (FARO)
Crush Analysis
Forensic Photography
Police Instructor
Laser/Radar Instructor

Continuing Education
Additional training is received every year to stay current in crash reconstruction methodologies. This includes membership in various professional crash reconstruction organizations and invitation-only organizations, such as TAARS, NAPARS, and INCR. Crash conferences are also regularly attended.

Crash Testing
Closing Speed Consulting participates in crash testing whenever possible. This provides opportunities to test methodologies and formulas in a controlled environment. This allows you to easily answer the question: "How do you know the formula works?"

Answers Based Upon Research
Driver Perception-Response based upon peer-reviewed research from Driver Research Institute.